
Activitate ştiinţifică

Din 1995-prezent: Autor sau coautor a peste 90 de lucrări ştiinţifice publicate în periodice de specialitate şi conferinţe internaţionale şi naţionale dintre care:

    - 6 articole cotate ISI şi indexate ISI/BDI;

    - 85 articole publicate în reviste, respectiv volumele unor conferinţe naţionale şi internaţionale.

Din 1995-prezent: colaborator la 12 granturi şi contracte de cercetare - dezvoltare.

Reviste de specialitate din ţară şi străinătate (cotate ISI şi indexate BDI):

    1. The simulation of hot rolling process, in order to determinate the thermal field distribution in the mill rolls, Josan Ana, Teodor Heput, Ana Socalici, Erika Ardelean, Sorin Ratiu, Metalurgia International, 2009, Vol. XIV (2009), No.7, special issue.
    2. Application of Finite Element Method to an Overhead Crane Bridge, C.Pinca-Bretotean,G.O Tirian, Josan Ana, WSEAS TRANSACTIONS ON APPLIED AND THEORETICAL MECHANICS, Issue 2, Volume 4, pp.64-73, 10, 2009.
    3. Researches concerning the particularities of the hypereutectoide steel, using for casting the mill roll, Josan Ana, Vîlceanu Lucia, Puţan Vasile, Socalici Ana, Metalurgia International, 2008, XIII (7).
    4. Strength of steel wires ropes in contact, Vîlceanu Lucia, Puţan Vasile, Josan Ana, Ghita E, Metalurgia International, 2008, XIII (8).
    5. Numerical simulating of thermal stratification phenomena in steel ladles, Puţan Vasile, Vîlceanu Lucia, Josan Ana, Metalurgia International, 2008, XIII (10).
    6. Solification simulation of the continuous of the cast blanks with micro coolants added in the mould, Socalici Ana, Ardelean Erika, Hepuţ Teodor, Ardelean Marius, Josan Ana, Metalurgia International, 2007, XII (8).

Lucrări publicate în reviste şi volume de conferinţe cu referenţi (neindexate):


    1. Determination of the mechanical and micro-structural characteristics of the Adamite-type, hypereutectoid steel of the rings sampled from cylinders cast at S.C. Siderurgica S.A. Hunedoara, Josan Ana, Metalurgia International, Vol. X, nr. 2, ISSN 1582-2214, 2005.
    2. Studies and researches for settling the optimal area of chemical composition for cast Adamite-type hypereutectoid stel rolls, Josan Ana, Maksay Ştefan, Petre Doina, Socalici Ana, Ardelean Erika, Metalurgia International, Vol. X, nr. 3, ISSN 1582-2214, 2005.
    3. Study and researches concerning the possibilities of determining the material characteristics of the Adamit-type steel, Josan Ana, Metalurgia International, Vol. X, nr. 4, ISSN 1582-2214, 2005.
    4. Studies and researches concerning the operational behavior of steel cast rolling rolls, Josan Ana, Metalurgia International, Vol. X, nr. 5, ISSN 1582-2214, 2005.
    5. Experimental researches regarding the determination of traction resistance for the hypereutectoid steel, Josan Ana, Annals of the Oradea University, Fas of Management and Technological Engineering, Vol. VI (XVI), 4 pag, pp.69-72, ISSN 1583-0691, 2007.
    6. Comparison between hardness of the lamination cylinders, Adamit type OT – A3 and prelevated probes to their casting, Josan Ana, Puţan Vasile, Annals of the Oradea University, Fas of Management and Technological Engineering, VII(XVII), 4 pag, 357-360, ISSN 1583-0691, 2008.
    7. The informatics application concerning the administration of the data base from metallurgical company, Josan Ana, Raţiu Sorin, Revista Metalurgia, Nr. 5, pp. 12-20, ISSN 0641-9579, 2009.

    Volume de conferinţe:

    8. Finite element analysis of an overhead crane bridge, C. Pinca Bretotean, G.O. Tirian, Josan Ana, Proceedings of the 2nd WSEAS Int. Conf.on FINITE DIFERENCES, FINITE ELEMENTS,FINITE VOLUMES,BOUNDARY ELEMENTS (F-and-B 09),Tbilisi, Georgia, 2009, 51-56, ISBN:978-960-474-089-5.
    9. Thermal Stress Analysis Using Finite Element Method in Rolling Rolls Area, Josan Ana, KISS Imre, Technical Systems Operation – TSO 2009, Presov, SLOVAKIA, 5-6 nov., 132-135, ISSN 978-80-553-0312-3.
    10. Analysis of the technology of steel elaboration T35Mn14 intendent for casting pieces, Josan A., Puţan V., Ratiu S., 10th International Symposium Interdisciplinary Regional Research ISIRR 2009, aprilie, Hunedoara, Romania, ISSN 1584-2665.
    11. The variations of the carbide and graphite formation elements of the mill rolls casted of hypereutectoid steel, Josan Ana, Puţan Vasile, 12th International research/Expert Conference Trends in the Development of machinery and associated technology, TMT 2008, Istanbul, ISBN 978-9958-617-34-8, 2008.
    12. The experimentation pre-calibration mill rolls for the increase the durability in exploitation, Josan Ana, 12th International research/Expert Conference Trends in the Development of machinery and associated technology, TMT 2008, Istanbul, ISBN 978-9958-617-34-8, 2008.
    13. The influence of the elemens C, Si, Mn upon the hardness of the cast rolling cylinders, Josan Ana, 11th International research/Expert Conference Trends in the Development of machinery and associated technology, TMT 2007, Hammamet, Tunisia, ISBN 978-9958-617-34-8, 2007.
    14. RESEARCHES REGARDING THE INFLUENCE OF THE MOULDING - CASTING TECHNOLOGY OF THE ROLLING MILL CYLINDERS, Josan Ana, 11th International research/Expert Conference Trends in the Development of machinery and associated technology, TMT 2007, Hammamet, Tunisia, ISBN 978-9958-617-34-8, 2007.
    15. Studies and researches regarding the influence of the casting technology of the mill rolls made by Adamite steel casted on the registered defects, Josan Ana, 10th International research/Expert Conference Trends in the Development of machinery and associated technology, TMT 2006, Barcelona-Lloret de Mar, ISBN 978-9958-617-34-8, 2006 Spain.
    16. The analysis of the thermic treatment technology applied to the mill rolls cast by steel Adamite type, Josan Ana, Hepuţ Teodor, Puţan Vasile, Ardelean Marius, 10th International research/Expert Conference Trends in the Development of machinery and associated technology, TMT 2006, Barcelona-Lloret de Mar, ISBN 978-9958-617-34-8, 2006 Spain.
    17. Mill rolls thermal stress analysis using finite element method, Josan Ana, 8th INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM ON INTERDISCIPLINARY REGIONAL RESEARCH HUNGARY-ROUMANIA- SERBIA&MUNTENEGRU, Szeged, april 2005.
    18. Experimental analysis of the strain state in the mill rolls, using the numerical simulation, Ana Josan, Camelia Pinca-Bretotean, Gelu Ovidiu Tirian, Ana Amalia Dascăl, 9th International research/Expert Conference Trends in the Development of machinery and associated technology, TMT 2005, Antalya, Turkey.
    19. STUDY CONCERNING THE DETERMINATION OF SECTION HARDNESS VARIATION ON HYPEREUTECTIC STEEL ROLLS, TYPE OTA3, Josan A., Petre D., Puţan V., 10th International of Symposium on Experimental Stress and Analysis and Material Testing, Sibiu, Vol. I, ISBN 973-651-918-X, oct 2004.
    20. Studies regarding the distribution of thermal field mill rolls, using finit element method, Josan Ana, Petre Doina, Găvănescu Adrian, Ardelean Erika, Socalici Ana, International Conference on advanced materials and technologies, Romat 2004, ISBN 973-718-081-X, Bucureşti 2004.
    21. Studies and researches regarding the analyse of chemical composition and the reason for taking out of operation the mill rolls cast at S.C. Sidermet S.A. Călan, Ana JOSAN, Ion SPOREA, Doina PETRE, A. GĂVĂNESCU, ISIRR 2003 PROCEDINGS OF THE VIIth INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM INTERDISCIPLINARY REGIONAL RESEARCH HUNGARY-SERBIA&MUNTENEGRU-ROMANIA, Hunedoara, 25-26 sept, 2003.
    22. Studies and researches on the influence of chemical composition of cast rolls made of hypereutectic steel, on their hardness in exploitation, Josan Ana, Petre Doina Elena, Kiss Imre, ZBORNIK RADOVA ½ JAHORINA – IRMES 2002, Srpsko Sarajevo – Jahorina, 19-20 sept. 2002.
    23. Ïmbunătăţirea caracteristicilor mecanice a cilindrilor de laminor turnaţi centrifugal, Josan Ana, Lucrările celei de A Doua Conferinţe Naţionale “Profesorul Dorin PAVEL – fondatorul hidroenergeticii româneşti” Sebeş, 2002.
    24. Analiza critică a cilindrilor de laminor turnaţi din fontă cu grafit nodular la S.C. Sidermet S.A. Călan şi urmăriţi în exploatare la S.C. Siderurgica S.A. Hunedoara, Josan Ana, Sporea Ion, Petre Doina Elena, Simpozion Ştiinţific Internaţional “UNIVERSITARIA ROPET 2001”, Vol.2, ISBN 973-8435-22-6, 17-19 octombrie 2002, Petroşani.
    25. Experimental technology of elaborating hypereutectoid steel to be used in roll casting, Josan Ana, Conferinţa Naţională de Metalurgie şi Ştiinţa Materialelor, CNMSM 2004, ISBN 973-652-389-6, Bucureşti, 2001.
    26. Analiza critică a tehnologiei de fabricaţie a cilindrilor de laminor de tip Adamit, în vederea creşterii durabilităţii acestora, Josan Ana, Sesiunea de Comunicări Ştiinţifice cu participare internaţională, Analele Facultăţii de Inginerie din Hunedoara, Tomul III, Fascicola 1, ISSN 1454-6531, Hunedoara, 2001.

Granturi şi contracte de cercetare:

    1. Contract 250/1996: Cercetări în vederea valorificării complete a sterilelor depozitate în iazuri de decantare şi a cenuşilor provenite de la arderea cărbunilor, beneficiar S.C. CEPROMIN S.A. Deva. Value: 5000000 lei.
    2. Contract 3500/45/1996: Studiul privind posibilităţile de turnare a lingourilor mari de forjă de 14; 17,5 şi 23,5 tone, beneficiar S.C. “Siderurgica” S.A. Hunedoara, Value: 7000000 lei.
    3. Contract 198/A/ 96-97: Cercetări privind optimizarea procesului de producere a fontei în furnale de 250 mc volum util, în vederea creşterii eficienţei economice, beneficiar S.C. “Sidermet” S.A. Călan, Value: 19500000 lei.
    4. Contract 5004/1996, cod 397: Cercetări privind utilizarea unor produse secundare şi a unor deşeuri cu conţinut ridicat de Fe şi elemente de aliere şi valorificarea superioară a unor produse din oţel, beneficiar Ministerul Invăţământului-C.N.C.S.U., Value: 10000000 lei.
    5. Contract Cod CNCSIS 191, 33550 /2003: Cercetări şi experimentări privind îmbunătăţirea structurii lingourilor de oţel, beneficiar C.N.C.S.I.S.
    6. Contract Cod CNCSIS 24, tema 6-7 /2004-2005: Cercetări de durabilitate în exploatare a cilindrilor de laminare la cald, beneficiar C.N.C.S.I.S., grant AT.
    7. Contract 232/20.07.2006: (continuing in 2007, 2008) New refractories of complex functions used in steel industry, made by modern technologies, Program CEEX Consortium – Partner P2. Responsible: Prof. dr. eng. Teodor Hepuţ. Total value of the contract RON 1.800.000 (Partner P2- RON 100,000).
    8. Contract 71- 044/2007 (continuing in 2008, 2009): Advanced technology direction of pieces case-hardening industrial process in induced current, Program PN2 – Consortium – Partner P2. Responsible: Prof. dr. eng. Teodor Hepuţ. Total value of the contract RON 1,449,550 (Partner P2- RON 102,895).
    9. Contract 31-098/2007 (continuing in 2008, 2009): Prevention and fighting pollution in the steel making, energetic and mining industrial areas through the recycling of small-size and powdering wastes, Program PN2 – Consortium – CO. Responsible: Prof. dr. eng. Teodor Hepuţ. Total value of the contract RON 1,980,000 RON (CO- RON 130,000).
    10. Contract 41-2007: Valorificarea în agricultură a zgurilor de oţelărie deferizate - Proiect de cercetare finantat B.EN.A, director Socalici Ana, Total value of the contract RON 2000.
    11. Contract 40-2007: Impactul fabricilor de var-dolomită asupra mediului şi posibilităţi de reducere a riscului ecologic în aceste zone - Proiect de cercetare finantat B.EN.A, director Ardelean Erika, Total value of the contract RON 2300.
    12. Contract 46-2009: Decreasing of environment pollution degree through the siderite waste capitalization for production cement - Proiect de cercetare finantat B.EN.A, director Hepuţ Teodor, Total value of the contract RON 2000.